‘twiceness’ with Shelley Hodgson

On Wednesday 22nd May as part of the student organised Mayfest at Plymouth University, Shelley Hodgson and I will present ‘twiceness’. This is a new performance work we have been working on over the past while. It isn’t ‘finished’ at this point, but it is at a stage that we are happy to share it.

Performance details: 1930hrs on May 22nd 2024 at The House Studio, University of Plymouth. Free tickets available via Eventbrite.

‘cream of the crop’ for SOAK, Plymouth on 25th January

On January 25th I will present a new performance peice as part of the SOAK Live Art event at Leadworks in Plymouth. Organised by Sarah Blissett and Kerry Priest, SOAK is a bi-monthly live art series with a number of performers each time, bringing together live art, experimental performance, film, spoken word and music. For SOAK I will perform ‘cream of the crop’, a development of the research and testing I did on residency at Live Art Ireland in October 2023. Looking at grass and plant life, at rural life, at the impact of the dairy industry, the piece considers interaction of human and other-than-human systems. Simple actions with props and tasks are structured into a sequence, threaded through with spoken text. There are bin liners, a bucket, gloves, knee pads, a body, and words that slip between contexts of climate, sport, and agriculture.

Tickets etc via Eventbrite HERE

Screening: Three Games for Grass

grass bucket head a

The video is up on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/872367421?share=copy